1.1    Introduction

The protection of personal data is among the most important priorities of DESE Group Companies ("Company") and it makes maximum efforts to comply with all applicable legislation in this regard. This DESE Group Companies Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy ("Policy") constitutes an important part of this issue.


Within the framework of this Policy, the principles adopted in the conduct of personal data processing activities carried out by our Company and the basic principles adopted in terms of compliance of our Company's data processing activities with the regulations contained in the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 ("Law") are explained and thus, our Company provides the necessary transparency by informing the personal data owners. With full awareness of our responsibility within this scope, your personal data is processed and protected within the scope of this Policy.


1.2    Scope

This Policy relates to all personal data of persons other than the employees of our Company (employees, interns, shareholders, officers of our Company), which are processed automatically or non-automatically provided that they are part of any data recording system.

Detailed information regarding the personal data owners in question can be found in Annex-2 ("Annex 2- Personal Data Owners") of this Policy, and the definitions used in this Policy and which should be explained for completeness can be found in Annex-1 ("Annex 1- Definitions") of this Policy.

The activities carried out by our Company regarding the protection of personal data of Company employees are managed under the DESE Group Companies Employee Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy, which is organized in parallel with the principles in this Policy.




2.1    Personal Data Processing Principles

Our Company processes personal data in accordance with the procedures and principles stipulated in the Law and other relevant legislation.


2.1.1.   Processing in accordance with the Law and Good Faith

Personal data are processed in accordance with the rules of honesty, with transparent methods and by fulfilling the obligation to inform. While fulfilling the disclosure obligation, if possible, the purpose of processing is explained at the time of obtaining the data and access to detailed information is provided.

2.1.2.   Ensuring the Accuracy of Personal Data and Keeping it Up-to-Date When Necessary

Necessary administrative and technical measures are taken in data processing procedures to ensure that the processed data is accurate and up-to-date. Since a significant part of the data is processed on the basis of the declaration of the Data Subjects, it reflects these statements in the most accurate way and the Data Subjects are given the opportunity to apply to update the data and correct errors, if any, in accordancewiththe law.


2.1.3.   Processing for Specific, Explicit and Legitimate Purposes

As DESE Group Companies, the scope and content of personal data are clearly defined and the activities are processed within the legitimate purposes determined in accordance with the legislation.


2.1.4.   Personal Data is Relevant, Limitedand Proportionate to the Purpose for which it is Processed

We process personal data in connection with the purposes we have determined, in a limited and measured manner. Processing of personal data that is not relevant or not needed to be processed is avoided. For this reason, personal data of a special nature is not processed unless there is a legal requirement or explicit consent is obtained when it is necessary to process it.


2.1.5.        Retention of Personal Data for the Periods Stipulated in the Legal Regulations or Required by Legitimate Interests

Many regulations in the legislation require personal data to be kept for a certain period of time. Therefore, processed personal data are stored for the period stipulated in the relevant legislation or for the period required for the purposes of processing personal data.

In the event that the retention period stipulated in the legislation expires or the purpose of processing disappears, personal data are deleted, destroyed or anonymized automatically or upon the request of the data subject.


2.2    Processing of Personal Data


2.2.1   Processing of Personal Data

The explicit consent of the personal data owner is only one of the legal grounds that make it possible to process personal data in accordance with the law, and in the presence of one of the following conditions, personal data is processed by our Company without seeking the explicit consent of the data owner.

The basis of the personal data processing activity may be only one of the following conditions, or more than one condition may be the basis of the same personal data processing activity. In the event that the processed data is personal data of special nature, the conditions set out in section 2.2.2 of this Policy ("Processing of Personal Data of Special Nature") shall apply.


       Explicitly stipulated in the law.

       It is mandatory for the protection of the life or physical integrity of the person who is unable to disclose his/her consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent is not legally valid.

        Provided that it is directlyrelated to the conclusion or performance of a contract, it is necessary to process personal data of the parties to the contract.

       It is mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation.

       It has been made public by the person concerned.

       Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right.

        Data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the Company, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.

2.2.2   Processing of Special Categories of Personal Data

Some personal data are regulated separately as 'sensitive personal data' and are subject to special protection. These data are of special importance due to the risk of causing victimization or discrimination when processed unlawfully.

Sensitive personal data are processed by our Company in accordance with the principles set forth in this Policy and by taking all necessary administrative and technical measures, including the methods to be determined by the Personal Data Protection Board ("Board") and in the presence of the following conditions:


       Sensitive personal data other than health and sexual life can be processed with the explicit consent of the data subject or without explicit consent in cases explicitly stipulated by law.

       Sensitive personal data relating to health and sexual life may be processed by persons under the obligation of confidentiality or authorized institutions and organizations for the protection of public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and management of health services and financing, if the data subject gives explicit consent or without explicit consent.


2.3    Purposes of Processing Personal Data

The personal data processing purposes of our Company within the scope of the personal data specified in this Policy and the processing conditions of special categories of personal data in accordance with the Law and other relevant legislation are as follows.


       Planning and/or execution of our Company's human resources policies and processes,

       Planning and/or execution of activities to ensure the legal and technical security of our Company and related persons who are in business relations with our Company,

       Carrying out the necessary work and carrying out the relevant business processes in order to benefit the relevant persons from the products and/or services offered by and/or on behalf and account of our Company,

       Carrying out the necessary work by our relevant business units for the realization of the commercial and/or operational activities carried out by our Company and carrying out the related business processes,

       Planning and/or execution of our Company's commercial and/or business strategies.


It is possible to access detailed information regarding the personal data processing purposes in question from Annex-3 ("Annex 3- Personal Data Processing Purposes") of this Policy.


2.4    Categories of Personal Data Processed by Our Company

In accordance with the Law and other relevant legislation provisions, our Company processes personal data of personal data owners within the framework of the purposes and conditions specified in this Policy in accordance with the Law and other relevant legislation provisions, including identity, communication, financial, customer, customer transaction, transaction security, risk management, physical space security, audit and inspection, legal transaction and compliance, reputation management, request / complaint management, data of family members and relatives, visual and audio, marketing, vehicle, employee candidate, employee, employee transaction, employee performance and career development, fringe benefits and benefits, insurance and special categories of personal data.

Detailed information on the personal data categories in question can be found in Annex 4 ("Annex 4 - Personal Data Categories") of this Policy.



Our Company may transfer personal data and sensitive personal data to domestic and/or foreign third parties ("Third Parties") by taking the necessary security measures in line with the lawful personal data processing purposes. In this direction, our Company acts in accordance with the principles set out in Articles 8 and 9 of the Law and in accordance with the decisions taken by the PDP Board.


3.1    Transfer of Personal Data


3.1.1.   Domestic Transfer of Personal Data

Our Company may transfer personal data to third parties without seeking the explicit consent of the data owner in the presence of the explicit consent of the data owner or in the presence of the conditions listed below, by taking due care and taking all necessary security measures, including the methods determined by the Board:


       Explicitly stipulated in the law.

       It is mandatory for the protection of the life or physical integrity of the person who is unable to disclose his/her consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent is not legally valid.

       Provided that it is directly related to the conclusion or performance of a contract, it is necessary to process personal data of the parties to the contract.

       It is mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation.

       It has been made public by the person concerned.

       Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right.

        Data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the Company, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.


3.1.2.   Transfer of Personal Data Abroad

Personal data cannot be transferred abroad without the explicit consent of the data subject.


However, the existence of one of the reasons for compliance with the law contained in this Policy and the existence of one of the conditions specified in the second paragraph of Article 5 and the third paragraph of Article 6 stipulated in the Law and in the foreign country where the personal data will be transferred;


       Adequate protection,

       In the absence of adequate protection, the data may be transferred abroad without seeking the explicit consent of the data subject, provided that the data controllers in Turkey and in the relevant foreign country undertake adequate protection in writing and the Board has the permission of the Board.

       Countries with adequate protection shall be determined and announced by the Board.

        The Board shall decide whether there is adequate protection in the foreign country and whether a permit shall be granted in accordance with subparagraph (b) of paragraph 2;

       a) International conventions to which Turkey is a party,

       b) the reciprocity status regarding data transfer between the country requesting personal data and Turkey,

        c) For each concrete personal data transfer, the nature of the personal data and the purpose and duration of processing,

       ç) The relevant legislation and practice of the country to which the personal data will be transferred,

       d) It evaluates the measures undertaken by the data controller in the country where the personal data will be transferred and decides, if necessary, by taking the opinion of the relevant institutions and organizations. In these cases, personal data may be transferred abroad without explicit consent.


3.2    Transfer of Sensitive Personal Data

Our Company may transfer special categories of personal data domestically or abroad in line with the purposes of lawful data processing, with due care and by taking the necessary security measures, including the methods specified by the Board, and inthe presence of the following conditions;


       Sensitive personal data other than health and sexual life can be transferred if the data subject gives explicit consent or in cases clearly stipulated in the laws without explicit consent.

       Sensitive personal data relating to health and sexual life may be transferred by persons under the obligation of confidentiality or authorized institutions and organizations for the protection of public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and management of health services and financing, if the data subject gives explicit consent or without explicit consent.


If special categories of personal data are to be transferred abroad, in addition to the existence of other processing conditions listed in Article 6 of the Law in order to make the transfer without the explicit consent of the data subject, our Company may transfer special categories of personal data to foreign countries with adequate protection or to foreign countries where there is a data controller who undertakes adequate protection if the Board authorizes the relevant foreign transfer.


3.3    Groups of Persons to whom Personal Data is Transferred

Our Company may transfer personal data to the categories of recipient groups listed below in accordance with Articles 8 and 9 of the Law:


       Legally Authorized Public Authority,

       Legally Authorized Special,




Detailed information regarding the third parties to whom such personal data are transferred can be found in Annex 5 ("Annex 5 - Categories of Third Parties to whom Personal Data are Transferred") of this Policy.



Pursuant to the obligation to delete, destroy or anonymize personal data stipulated in the Turkish Penal Code, the Law and other relevant legislation, personal data shall be deleted, destroyed or anonymized in accordance with the ex officio decision of our Company or the request of the personal data owner if the reasons requiring its processing disappear, although it has been processed by our Company in accordance with the law.



Our Company takes all necessary measures according to the nature of the data to be protected in order to prevent unlawful disclosure, access, transfer of personal data or security weaknesses that may arise for other reasons.

In this context, all necessary administrative and technical measures are taken by our Company, an audit system is established within our Company, and in case of unlawful disclosure of personal data, the measures stipulated in the Law are acted in accordance with.


5.1    Administrative Measures Taken by Our Company to Ensure Lawful Processing of Personal Data and to Prevent Unlawful Access to Personal Data


       There are disciplinary regulations for employees that include data security provisions.

        Training and awareness raising activities on data security are carried out for employees at regular intervals.

        Corporate policies on access, information security, use, storage and disposal have been prepared and implemented.

       Confidentiality commitments are made.

       Employees who are reassigned or leave their jobs are de-authorized in this area.

       The signed contracts contain data security provisions.

       Personal data security policies and procedures have been determined.

       Personal data security issues are reported quickly.

        Necessary security measures are taken regarding entry and exit to physical environments containing personal data.

        Physical environments containing personal data are secured against external risks (fire, flood, etc.).

       Security of environments containing personal data is ensured.

       Internal periodic and/or random audits are conducted and commissioned.

       Existing risks and threats have been identified.

        Protocols and procedures for the security of sensitive personal data have been determined and implemented.

       Data processing service providers are periodically audited on data security.

       Awareness of data processing service providers on data security is ensured.


5.2      Technical Measures Taken by Our Company to Ensure Lawful Processing of Data and to Prevent Unlawful Access to Personal Data

       Network security and application security are ensured.

       Closed system network is used for personal data transfers through the network.

        Security measures are taken within the scope of procurement, development and maintenance of information technology systems.

       The security of personal data stored in the cloud is ensured.

       Access logs are kept regularly.

       Up-to-date anti-virus systems are used.

       Firewalls are used.

       Personal data security is monitored.

       Personal data is minimized as much as possible.

       Personal data is backed up and the security of backed up personal data is also ensured.

        User account management and authorization control system are implemented and monitored.

       Log records are made and made in a way that there is no user intervention.

       Intrusion detection and prevention systems are used.

       Penetration test is applied.

       Cyber security measures have been taken and their implementation is constantly monitored.

       Encryption is performed.


5.3   Measures to be Taken in Case of Unlawful Disclosure of Personal Data

Within the scope of personal data processing activities carried out by our Company, in the event that personal data is unlawfully obtained by unauthorized persons, the situation will be notified to the relevant persons and the Board within 72 hours at the latest.


In accordance with Article 10 of the Law, our Company fulfills its obligation to inform the personal data owners during the acquisition of personal data.

Article 20 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey states that "Everyone has the right to request the protection of personal data concerning him/her. This right includes the right to be informed about personal data concerning oneself, to access such data, to request their correction or deletion, and to learn whether they are used for their intended purposes. For this purpose, in accordance with Article 11 of the Law, necessary information is provided in case the relevant persons request information. Detailed information on the rights of the personal data owner is provided in section 7.1 of this Policy ("Rights of the Personal Data Owner").


7.1   Rights of the Personal Data Subject

       Pursuant to the Law, the rights that personal data subjects may exercise are set out below:

       Learn whether personal data is being processed,

       Requestinformation if their personal data has been processed,

        Personal data           processing                purpose             and            of these for the purpose of     appropriate               to find out if they are being used,

       To know the third parties to whom personal data are transferred domestically or abroad,

       To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing,

        To request the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,

        To object to the emergence of a result to the detriment of the person himself/herself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,

        In case of damage due to unlawful processing of personal data, it has the right to demand compensation for the damage.


7.2   Situations where Data Subjects cannot assert their rights

In the cases specified in Article 28 of the Law, personal data owners will not be able to assert their rights specified in Article 11 of the Law. Although these situations constitute exceptions, they are outside the scope of data protection of the Law. These situations are stated below:


       Processing of personal data by natural persons within the scope of activities related to themselves or their family members living in the same residence, provided that personal data are not disclosed to third parties and the obligations regarding data security are complied with.

       Processing of personal data for purposes such as research, planning and statistics by anonymizing them with official statistics.

       Processing of personal data for artistic, historical, literary or scientific purposes or within the scope of freedom of expression, provided that such processing does not violate national defense, national security, public security, public order, economic security, privacy or personal rights or constitute a crime.

       Processing of personal data within the scope of preventive, protective and intelligence activities carried out by public institutions and organizations authorized by law to ensure national defense, national security, public security, public order or economic security.

       Processing of personal data by judicial or enforcement authorities in relation to investigations, prosecutions, trials or executions.


In the cases listed below, personal data owners cannot assert their other rights listed in Article 11 of the Law, except for the right to demand compensation for the damage:


       Processing of personal data is necessary for the prevention of crime or criminal investigation.

       Processing of personal data made public by the data subject himself/herself.

       Personal data processing is necessary for the execution of supervisory or regulatory duties and disciplinary investigation or prosecution by the authorized and authorized public institutions and organizations and professional organizations in the nature of public institutions based on the authority granted by law.

       Processing of personal data is necessary for the protection of the economic and financial interests of the State in relation to budgetary, tax and fiscal matters.


7.3   Exercise of Rights by Personal Data Subjects

Personal data owners may submit their requests regarding the exercise of the rights specified in Article 11 of the Law to ....

By filling out the Company Relevant Person Application Form in writing or by registered electronic mail (KEP) address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature or by using your e-mail address that you have previously notified to our Company and registered in our system.


7.4   Responding to Applications by our Company

All necessary administrative and technical measures are taken to finalize the applications to be made by the personal data owner effectively, in accordance with the law and the rule of honesty.

Our company may accept the applications of the personal data owner or reject them by explaining the reason. Our Company will be able to notify the relevant response to the personal data owner in writing or electronically.

In the event that the personal data owner submits his/her request regarding the rights under section 7.1 ("Rights of the Personal Data Owner") to our Company in accordance with the procedures mentioned in section 7.3 ("Exercise of Rights by Personal Data Owners"), our Company will finalize the relevant request free of charge as soon as possible and within 30 (thirty) days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost, the Data Controller may request the fees in the tariff determined by the Board from the applicant.



Personal Data

Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person,


Personal Data Protection Board,




Processing of Personal Data


Obtaining, recording, storing, preserving, maintaining, changing personal data by fully or partially automatic means or by non-automatic means provided that it is part of any data recording system,

any operation performed on the data, such as rearranging, disclosing, transferring, taking over, making available, classifying or preventing its use,

Data Processor

A natural or legal person who processes personal data on behalf of the data controller based on the authorization granted by the data controller,

Data Recording System

Recording system where personal data is structured and processed according to certain criteria



Data Controller

The natural or legal person who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data and is responsible for the establishment and management of the data recording system,

refers to.

Data Owner

The natural person whose personal data is processed,

Open Consent

Consent on a specific subject, based on information and expressed with free will



Sensitive Personal Data


Data relating to race, ethnic origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, appearance and dress, membership of associations, foundations or trade unions, health, sexual life, criminal convictions and security measures, and biometric and genetic data are sensitive personal data.








Employee / Trainee Candidate

It means real persons who have applied for a job to our Company by any means or who have opened their CV and related information to our Company's review.


Former Employee

Natural persons whose employment contract with our Company has been terminated for any reason (resignation, dismissal, retirement, etc.).


It means real persons who use or have used the products and services offered by our Company.


Legal Entity Customer Employee

/ Officer / Sharehold er



Real persons who are shareholders, officers or employees of our legal entity customers who use or have used the products and services offered by our Company


Invoice Issuance Person or Delivery To be done

Person (Non- Customer)



During the utilization of the services provided by our company by our customers, the invoice is issued on behalf of another real person or the service means the real persons subject to this request in the event that he/she requests the realization on behalf of someone else.


Contest Participant


It means real persons who participate in our Company's campaigns or competitions.






Family Members

Family members or relatives of persons who have benefited from or been injured by the products or services of our Company.



It means real persons who visit our Company's premises or websites or who have joined our Company's guest internet network.






It means the real persons who rent out the real estates rented for our Company's locations.



Group Company Shareholder / Officer / Employee




Shareholders/officials/employees of companies directly or indirectly controlled by the controlling shareholder or shareholders of our Company


Business Partner Sharehold er / Officer / Employee



Real persons who are shareholders, officers or employees of legal entity companies with which our Company has established or intends to establish a cooperation, business partnership or program partnership.







Real persons who are shareholders, officers or employees of companies that provide goods and/or services to our Company pursuant to an existing or prospective contract with our Company

ANNEX 3 - Purposes of Processing Personal Data






The human resources policies and processes of our company planning

and/or execution



Planning and/or execution of employee induction and/or personnel processes


Planning and/or execution of the application, selection and evaluation processes of employee candidates



Planning and/or execution of internal/external communication activities necessary for the placement of employee candidates and/or students and/or interns



Planning and/or execution of reference and/or intelligence activities in personnel recruitment activities


Planning and/or execution of activities to meet employee information/document requests


Planning and/or execution of internal orientation activities


Planning and/or execution of personnel appointment/promotion processes


Planning and/or execution of talent/career development activities



Planning and/or execution of activities to be carried out within the framework of occupational health and/or safety


Planning and/or execution of employee performance/talent evaluation processes


Planning and/or execution of human resources processes






Planning and/or execution of internal/external training activities



Planning and/or execution of fringe benefits and/or benefits for employees


Planning and/or execution of employee satisfaction and/or engagement processes



Planning and/or execution of the processes of receiving and evaluating suggestions from employees for improving business processes and/or increasing employee productivity



Planning and/or execution of corporate communication for employees and/or corporate social responsibility and/or non-governmental organization activities in which employees participate


Employees' domestic/international travels (events


Planning and/or execution of employee remuneration


Planning and/or execution of processes for providing incentive and reward services to employees


Making internal information announcements in case of recruitment, appointment, promotion, special occasions and/or exit


Fulfillment of obligations arising from the employment contract and/or legislation for employees





Our Company and our business with our Company in a relationship

with the relevant planning and/or execution of activities to ensure the legal and technical security of






Planning and/or execution of the necessary operational activities to ensure that the Company's activities are carried out in accordance with Company procedures and/or relevant legislation



Planning and/or execution of corporate and partnership law transactions


Follow-up of legal affairs



Legislative obligations to official institutions and/or organizations

Providing information within the scope, submitting the requested information and documents and/or recording the responses


Ensuring that data is accurate and/or up-to-date


Ensuring the security of company operations


Planning, auditing and/or execution of information security processes


Establishment and/or management of information technology infrastructure



Planning and/or execution of our Company's legal compliance activities


Planning and/or execution of authentication activities


Planning and/or execution of internal/external audit, inspection and/or control activities of our Company


OBJECTIV                                       SUB-OBJECTIVES (SECONDARY) ES





Planning and/or execution of activities related to the prevention, detection, investigation and/or finalization of fraud cases


Follow-up of contract processes and/or legal requests


Ensuring the security of company fixtures and/or resources


Planning and/or execution of emergency and/or incident management processes


Ensuring the security of company premises and/or facilities


Creation and/or follow-up of visitor records


Planning and/or execution of network monitoring and management activities


By the Company and/or The appreciation and use of the products and services offered on behalf and account of our Company by the relevant persons customized

according to their habits and needs planning

and/or execution of the activities necessary for its recommendati on and promotion to

relevant persons



Planning and/or execution of activities for customer satisfaction and/or experience


OBJECTIV                                       SUB-OBJECTIVES (SECONDARY) ES




Planning and/or execution of campaign and/or promotion and/or publicity processes



Identification and/or evaluation of people to be subject to marketing activities in line with consumer behavior criteria



Design and/or execution of personalized marketing (segmentation, profiling, etc.) and/or promotional activities



Design and/or execution of advertising and/or promotion and/or marketing activities in digital and/or other media



Design and/or execution of activities to be developed on customer acquisition and/or value creation for existing customers in digital and/or other channels



Planning and/or execution of data analytics and/or data enrichment activities for marketing purposes


Planning and/or execution of cross-selling activities related to other products offered by our Company



Planning and/or execution of market research activities for sales and/or marketing of products and services



Planning and/or execution of the processes of creating and/or increasing loyalty to the products and/or services offered by our Company


Planning and/or execution of campaign performance measurement and reporting activities


Planning and/or execution of marketing processes of products and/or services


OBJECTIV                                       SUB-OBJECTIVES (SECONDARY) ES




Planning and/or execution of raffle/competition activities


Planning and/or execution of activities related to surveys conducted by our Company

By       our Company and/or Products and/or services offered on behalf and account of our Company

Carrying out the necessary work to benefit the relevant people and carrying out the relevant business processes



Creation and/or follow-up of application and/or sales processes for products and/or services


Planning and/or execution of customer relationship management processes


Planning and/or execution of virtual pos/cash collection transactions



Planning and/or execution of activities related to the delivery of products


Evaluation of customer requests and/or complaints collected through digital and/or other channels



Realization and/or follow-up of payment transactions of products/services


Planning and/or execution of activities related to invoice issuance, verification and/or cancellation


OBJECTIV                                       SUB-OBJECTIVES (SECONDARY) ES




The commercial and/or operational activities carried out by our Company necessary work by our relevant

business units for the realization of and

execution of related business processes



Follow-up of financial and/or accounting affairs



Planning and/or execution of activities for conducting effectiveness/efficiency and/or relevance analysis of business activities



Planning and/or execution of activities for conducting effectiveness/efficiency and/or relevance analysis of business activities




Planning and/or execution of corporate governance activities





Planning and/or execution of business continuity activities


Planning and/or execution of procurement processes



OBJECTIV                                       SUB-OBJECTIVES (SECONDARY) ES



Planning and/or execution of business activities



Planning and/or execution of operations and/or efficiency processes



Defining and/or auditing the authorization of our employees and persons outside the Company to access information




Planning and/or execution of activities to ensure the business follow-up of 3rd party employees who have a business relationship with our Company





Planning and/or execution of satisfaction and loyalty activities for business partner/supplier employees/authorities/shareholders




Planning and/or execution of internal/external reporting activities


Planning and/or execution of our Company's commercial and/or business strategies




Management of relationships with business partners and/or suppliers


OBJECTIV                                       SUB-OBJECTIVES (SECONDARY) ES





Planning and/or execution of strategic planning activities



Conducting and/or executing budget studies



Planning and/or execution of the Company's financial risk processes





Planning and/or execution of risk assessment activities and/or feasibility studies for potential business partner/supplier selection



ANNEX 4 - Categories of Personal Data





Identity Information

Driver's licenses, identity cards, passports, professional IDs and similar documents that clearly belong to an identified or identifiable natural person means all information contained in the documents.


Contact Information

It means telephone number, address, e-mail and similar contact information that clearly belongs to an identified or identifiable natural person.



Financial Information

It is clear that it belongs to an identified or identifiable natural person, partially or completely automatically or by means of a data recording system

means personal data processed in relation to information, documents and records showing all kinds of financial results that are processed non- automatically as part of the data processing process.

PERSONAL                                                           EXPLANATION



Customer Information

Means data relating to the customer obtained during the performance of our commercial activities, which clearly belongs to an identified or identifiable natural person.



Customer Transaction Information

Records for the use of our products and services that clearly belong to an identified or identifiable natural person, such as our customer's instructions and requests for the use of our products and services

means information.


Transaction Security Information

It means personal data that clearly belongs to an identified or identifiable natural person and is processed to ensure the technical, administrative, legal and commercial security of our Company while carrying out our Company's commercial activities.


Risk Management Knowledge

Clearly belonging to an identified or identifiable natural person,

It means personal data processed in order to minimize the risks in accordance with our Company's policies and legislative obligations.


Physical Space Security Information

It means personal data relating to records and documents taken at the entrance to the physical space, during the stay in the physical space, which clearly belong to an identified or identifiable natural person.


Audit and Inspection Knowledge

Clearly belonging to an identified or identifiable natural person,

It means personal data processed within the scope of compliance with our Company's legal obligations and Company policies and audit.


Legal Procedure and Compliance Knowledge

With the determination and follow-up of our legal receivables and rights and the performance of our debts, which clearly belong to an identified or identifiable natural person

means personal data processed within the scope of our legal obligations and compliance with our Company's policies.


Reputation Management Knowledge

It means information that clearly belongs to an identified or identifiable natural person, information collected for the purpose of protecting the commercial reputation of our Company and information about the evaluation reports and actions taken.


Request/Compla int Management Information

It means personal data relating to the receipt and evaluation of all kinds of requests and/or complaints addressed to our Company, which clearly belong to an identified or identifiable natural person.

PERSONAL                                                                 EXPLANATION



Family Members and Relatives

means information about the family members and relatives of our customers or employees, which clearly belongs to an identified or identifiable natural person


Audiovisual Data

Photographs, videos, etc., which clearly belong to an identified or identifiable natural person, means data of visual or auditory nature.


Vehicle Information

It means information about the vehicles associated with the data subject, which clearly belongs to an identified or identifiable natural person.


Employee Candidate Information

It means the CV information of our employee and/or internship candidates who have applied for a job to our company in any way.



Employee Information

It means the information that will be the basis for the creation of the personal rights and files of our employees and/or the employees of the company we cooperate with, which clearly belongs to an identified or identifiable natural person.


Employee Transaction Information

It means personal data that clearly belongs to an identified or identifiable natural person and is related to our employees and/or their business and transactions.


Employee Performance and Career Development Information

Within the scope of our Company's human resources policies and procedures, our employees, whose identity clearly belongs to an identified or identifiable real person, are evaluated for their performance and career development.

means personal data processed for the purposes of planning and execution.



Benefits and Benefits Information

The planning of the fringe benefits and benefits that we offer and will offer to our employees, which clearly belong to an identified or identifiable natural person, and the objective criteria for entitlement to them

means personal data processed for the determination and follow-up of entitlements.


Insurance Information

It means personal data relating to the insurances provided by our Company in favor of its employees, which clearly belongs to an identified or identifiable natural person.

PERSONAL                                                           EXPLANATION




Sensitive Personal Data


Data relating to race, ethnic origin, political opinions, philosophical beliefs, religion, sect or other beliefs, appearance and dress, membership of associations, foundations or trade unions, health, sexual life, criminal convictions and security measures, and biometric and genetic data, which clearly belong to an identified or identifiable natural person.


ANNEX 5 - Categories of Third Parties to whom Personal Data is Transferred






Parties that provide goods or services for our Company to continue its commercial activities in line with the instructions received from the Company and based on the contract between the Company and our Company.




Public institutions and organizations legally authorized to receive


information and documents from our Company.






Private law persons legally authorized to receive information and documents


from our Company.






Subsidiaries of our Company means legal entities.